AKOP Sci-Fi Night


“Three Sci-Fi movies, one annoyed Shawn Lotte: Welcome to AKOP Sci-Fi Night!”

I think this is becoming a thing. Damn right this is becoming a thing and it’s blowing up, all over our faces. Earl is in charge of this month’s sinking ship as he handpicked, because toe picking is gross, three science fiction movies and subjected Shawn, Patrick and first-time guest Jess Davis to them.

If you’re wondering what the movies are, well hold on because Earl has chosen some interesting ones: First we got the indie time traveling movie Primer, then we got 80’s fueled The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension and finally we have surrealist drama The Fountain.

All three hold a special place in Earl’s heart but can they break their way into the group’s cold dead hearts… well mostly Shawn’s heart is dead. The only way to find out is to listen to this month’s installment of AKOP Night: SCI FI EDITION!!!!

*SPOILER WARNING: We spoil the hell out of these movies and as much as they are older Sci Fi movies we have to ask: If you haven’t seen either Primer, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai or The Fountain then have some fun this November, watch these movies, and then come back and listen to the show.

Let it begin…the show now!

Audio notes: (1hr. 25min. runtime)
0:02:00 – Primer, dryness, and being incomprehensible
0:27:10 – Buckaroo Banzai, the ’80s, and screenwriting 101
0:53:10 – The Fountain, being inaccessible,  fantasy, and surprise reactions
1:15:35 – Final thoughts, frames of reference, and cult classics

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Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0

Too Many Vocaloids


Hello and welcome to another great week at the AKOP house with Shawn and Earl. How great? you ask. Well, how about 69 great? That’s right sex fans it’s our 69th episode, and in honour of our sexy achievement we are going to talk about: Porn, anime, anime porn, video games and you guessed it…sex, but not sex. We also delve into the mind of madness with Adult Swim’s Too Many Cooks, electronic fiances, and about 50 more tangents.

So strap yourself in, or strap one on, and get ready for the sexiest All Kinds of Philler yet. What kind of filler? The kind you fill your mouth with…you know like food. Don’t be a pervert.

Let it begin… the show now!

What we’ve been checking out:
Shawn: Marvel’s Original Sin, COD: Advanced Warfare
Earl: Big Hero 6

Audio notes: (1hr. 19min. runtime)
0:02:10 – Shawn’s girlfriend is a Vocaloid
0:11:40 – Earl high schools Shawn on anime and manga
0:26:35 – The nostalgia factor and what we want from video games
0:39:30 – S1mone starring Al Pacino, 2G1C, and Too Many Cooks
0:55:45 – Influential culture artifacts from childhood, and our perfect films
1:10:05 – What’s everyone checking out?

Official site: http://akop.phillerworks.com
Subscribe to us on iTunes: http://bit.ly/1dvuahI
Or subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/akopSTR
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AKOPPodcast
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Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0

CSI: Coruscant & Blacklight Tattoos


In the Coruscant justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the Jedi, who investigate crime, and the Federation, who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.

Welcome back returning guest Keith Mcnally in this week’s installment of AKOP. We talk about so much stuff that we cannot even list it all in the show notes. For example: Star Wars, Turbo Grafix 16, Judge Dredd, CSI, Gilligan’s Island, Dune, etc. We also play a new game called the Metagame. What is the Metagame you ask? Well, you know what to do to find out so without wasting more time:

Let it begin… the show now!

Keith McNally (@keithmcnally) – Keith Courage, Vinyl Countdown

What we’ve been checking out:
Keith: Elliot Hulse on Youtube
Shawn: Bayonetta, Sunset Overdrive, and Binding of Isaac
Earl: The Guest, and Birdman

Audio notes: (1hr. 16min. runtime)
0:02:10 – The Phantom Menace, Star Wars, Keith the comic book store guy, and the secret history of Lucasarts
0:14:40 – PS1 games haven’t aged well, IP mashups, blacklight tattoos, and CSI: Coruscant
0:28:05 – Blockbuster & Netflix, the Dune franchise, Gilligan’s Island game, and Chrontendo
0:41:40 – Nintendo, the WiiU, Tiger Woods 2009, controllers, RTSes on consoles, and Keith’s Korean friend
1:01:25 – Metagame – What is a sign of the apocalypse: E.T. or Coca-Cola?
1:09:55 – What’s everyone checking out?

Official site: http://akop.phillerworks.com
Subscribe to us on iTunes: http://bit.ly/1dvuahI
Or subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/akopSTR
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AKOPPodcast
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllKindsOfPhiller

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0

Herpes & Super Virgin Book Club


Welcome back. Now that Halloween is officially over Shawn and Earl take some time out to get real. How real? SUPER FUCKING REAL! Our hosts get into herpes, feminism and gamergate. It’s not all serious though as our intrepid two-fer also talks upcoming JRPG Persona 5, Nintendo and and sex (but not really sex). Please join us for another exciting episode of ALL KINDS OF PHILLER-but who knows, it may be our last.
Spoilers…it’s not.
Let it begin…the show now!

What we’ve been checking out:
Shawn: Nightbreed, Halloween Loot Crate, disappointment
Earl: Homeland season 4, and Brooklyn 9-9 season 2

Audio notes: (1hr. 19min. runtime)
0:05:25 – Persona 4 talk, headphones & iPods, real-life social links, and “phoning a friend”
0:19:00 – Herpes!, girls we had crushes on in high school, and what happened to Gamer Earl?
0:28:00 – Earl’s favourite game genre, game times, Super Virgin Book Club, and bad analogies
0:38:45 – Contra, the Hatred game, Gamergate, and wanting different kings of games
0:49:55 – Stanley Parable v. Gone Home, Bastion & Transistor, and voices
1:01:25 – Spending a lot of money on games, The Evil Within, and PS4 games
1:09:55 – What’s everyone checking out?

Official site: http://akop.phillerworks.com
Subscribe to us on iTunes: http://bit.ly/1dvuahI
Or subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/akopSTR
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AKOPPodcast
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllKindsOfPhiller

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0

31 Days of Horror


Welcome! It’s almost Halloween and we are counting down the days with our last horror-themed episode. This week, we have special guest Rizielde Roculan who challenges us to 31 days of horror. Rizie has taken on 31 days/31 horror movies and we go through all the movies she’s seen so far. How many has Shawn seen? How many has Earl seen? Well for Earl, probably zero, but there is only one way to find out for sure. We also get into why Rizie loves horror movies and the true meaning of Christmas. Not really, BUT REALLY! So put on your Halloween hat, whatever that is, and listen to our last horrific podcast for this Halloween.

Let it begin…the show now!

Rizielde Roculan (@rizieroculan) – 31 Days of Horror on Letterboxd

What we’ve been checking out:
Rizie: Ketogenic diet, Looney Tunes baseball cards
Shawn: The Evil Within, Nightbreed Directors Cut
Earl: You’re Dead! by Flying Lotus, …Like Clockwork by Queens of the Stone Age

Audio notes: (1hr. 22min. runtime)
0:04:45 – Explaining the challenge, Ontario cities, Amer, and James Cameron’s shame
0:18:30 – The Shining, del Toro, Invaders from Mars, horror movie night, and creepy dolls
0:31:50 – The Howling, werewolves, lens flares, fun horror, and watching horror with family
0:45:00 – The Babadook, Nightmare on Elm Street, ghosts, and serial killers
0:58:25 – Growing up horror, zombies, old jobs, tattoos, and Blair Witch
1:12:00 – What’s everyone checking out?

Official site: http://akop.phillerworks.com
Subscribe to us on iTunes: http://bit.ly/1dvuahI
Or subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/akopSTR
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AKOPPodcast
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllKindsOfPhiller

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0

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