Face/Off: Cage Match, We Ran Out of Ideas, Comma


Shawn Lotte and Jesse Gelinas return to talk about the hit action film Face/Off! We talk about Nic Cage’s 96-97 acting season high, finally settle (not really) the Travolta vs. Cage debate, and weird production details. Also, Earl talks about Sam Rockwell’s twin, Jesse introduces us to the One True God, and Shawn explains how he sorts out people… with Face/Off. So really, the whole episode goes off on tangents as much as faces do in the movie.

Jesse Gelinas – Senior Editor of Movie Reviews for We Eat Films
Shawn Lotte – “Most of that story is a lie”

Supplementary notes:
One True God – Reddit
The Lock-In Review on We Eat Films

Audio notes: (59min. runtime)
0:01:45 – Seeing Face/Off, 1996-97 Nic Cage season, post-1997, and Snake Eyes
0:06:40 – Travolta’s vs. Cage’s filmographies, Sam Rockwell, and Travolta as Cage in Face/Off
0:12:25 – Being hammy, weird nameplay, theme of face modification, and judging people by movies
0:19:55 – Liking the movie, length of film, stacked cast, and the Predator series
0:28:30 – The Cube series, the “same Man universe” theory, One True God, and 3000 Miles to Graceland
0:37:40 – Travolta films, Wizard Cage, Sean Bean keeps dying & mentoring, and Taken series
0:44:55 – Wet Hot American Summer & David Wain, LARPers, and the “face… off” phrase
0:53:30 – The rules of sexual tyrannosaurus, Superman fan: Seinfeld vs. Cage, and The Lock-In

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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Fargo, Anthologies, & the Miniseries


On this episode, we head to the chilly Midwest to talk about Fargo! Spencer Sterritt returns to talk about the crime drama, the cast, the devil incarnate trope, and fan shipping. We also discuss the recent explosion of miniseries & anthology format shows like True Detective, and reluctantly praise the pioneering of American Horror Story. Then it devolves into Spencer trashing the term, and Earl suggesting more ridiculous candidates for them. (Spoilers on all of Fargo.)

Spencer Sterritt – Editor-in-chief for We Eat Films

Audio notes: (57min. runtime)
02:35 – Accents, Martin Freeman, fan shipping, and compressed storylines
10:55 – Expanding the series, connecting film and show, and experience from a non-film viewer
20:25 – Morality, deconstructing the anti-hero, Billy Bob, awards, and Canada
32:40 – Devil incarnate trope, Malvo, and Chekov’s gun closet
41:55 – Defining miniseries & anthologies, American Horror Story, and how one would make a miniseries
50:10 – AHS as community theatre, Ryan Murphy, and Archer & Louie: anthologies?

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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Louie & Having Trouble Speaking


This week, we’re talking about the latest season of Louie! Tony returns to discuss the FX dramedy by Louis CK, relationships with women, romance & communication, long takes, and our favourite episodes this season. We also comment on the guest stars, the creepy/brilliant Todd Barry, and shout-out Nathan For You and Review. And fittingly, Earl is incapable of making coherent ideas and sentences together all recording. (Spoilers on season 4.)

Tony Gao – “Try again”

Audio notes: (54min. runtime)
00:45 – Season finale, the whole series, short & long stories, relationships with women, and questioning continuity
12:15 – Dream-like qualities, long takes, cinematography, and being critical
21:35 – Pamela, Nice Guys, people complementing each other, communication, and long arcs
34:05 – The intro, being tongue-tied, favourite episodes, Janet, and Marc Maron
45:55 – Todd Barry, integrating short stories with long arcs, Nathan For You, Review, and season rankings

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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E3 2014 & The State of Video Games


Tony Gao returns for another round of E3 discussion! We discuss our issues with the bombastic conferences, the latest game reveals, Nintendo turning the tide again, and the deluge of sequels and remakes being announced. We also get into Uncharted, getting a WiiU or a 3DS, no women allowed in AC: Unity, and Kojima’s self-indulgence. And somehow, Earl manages to turn The Last Guardian’s death into a fitting symbol for the lack of innovation in the industry.

Tony Gao – “Electronic Excrement Expo”

Audio notes: (1hr. 1min. runtime)
01:10 – The conferences, Sunset Overdrive, Aisha Tyler, and The Division
09:05 – Assassins Creed, Unity & no women characters, Watch Dogs, Mass Effect, LittleBigPlanet 3, and Metal Gear Solid
21:40 – Nintendo, “the plague of Call of Duty”, Splatoon, getting a WiiU or 3DS, Xenoblade, and The Last Guardian
34:00 – Bloodborne, Grim Fandango & remakes, Uncharted 4, and No Man’s Sky
48:35 – Sequels, indie ideas in AAA games, what Last Guardian means for the industry, and Nintendo’s creative niche

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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X-Men: Days of Future Past


This week, we round up the whole team for  X-Men: Days of Future Past! And like the movie, past and present collide with current We Eat Film writers Alex Bowman and Jesse Gelinas meeting original co-founder Shawn Lotte. We discuss the latest X-Men film, how it connects with the rest of the series, and time travel. Also, Alex reveals his dad’s Twilight/X-Men theory, Shawn proposes a post-credits scene for Godzilla, and we all reveal our love of Hugh Jackman butt through puns. (Spoilers for the entire film, and plot points of the rest of the X-Men film franchise.)

Alex Bowman – Reviewer for We Eat Films
Jesse Gelinas – Senior Editor of Movie Reviews for We Eat Films
Shawn Lotte – “The younger they get, the more Wolverine stays the same”

Supplementary Notes:
I’m the Juggernaut

Audio notes: (1hr. 8min. runtime)
00:00 – The cold open
02:45 – Thoughts on the film, directors, Hercules, and time travel
11:30 – Streamlining, Magneto, JFK, Beast, and the magic serum
21:50 – Action sequences, Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch, frame rates, the ending, and the Twilight/X-Men Theory
33:35 – Wolverine, Ian McKellen, the post-credits scene, Gambit & Channing Tatum, and the franchise’s future
43:50 – Villains, random Godzilla talk, X-Men & Spider-man cartoons, and “I’m the Juggernaut”
58:10 – Comparing to comics, the value of Wolverine, and guest recommendations

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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