The Americans, Spies, & Secret Agents


On today’s podcast, Spencer Sterritt returns from the motherland to discuss The Americans & spy fiction! We delve into the morally grey spy drama’s latest season, tackle complaints of it being cold and detached, compare it to Breaking Bad and Homeland, and somehow suggest a potential spin-off for one of its characters. Then after, we talk about Rubicon, Archer, Alias, James Bond, and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. And somehow, we compare John le Carré to Austin Powers: Groovy, baby!

Spencer Sterritt – Editor-in-chief for We Eat Films

Supplementary Notes:
Illegals Program

Audio notes: (1hr. 3min. runtime)
01:15 – Thoughts on the show, being morally grey, ideals vs. individual, and Jared
12:00 – The kids, angry dad Phillip, children of spies, and being American
21:05 – The Illegals Program, Joe Weisberg, stealth, and show being cold & detached
29:25 – Getting people into The Americans, supporting cast, and making a spin-off
38:50 – Homeland, Rubicon, the human cost of intelligence work, Archer, Alias, and wigs
50:15 – James Bond, Metal Gear Solid, John Le Carré & Homeland, and Austin Powers

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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Godzilla, Kaiju, & Giant Monsters


This week, resident expert Van Ching smashes through the podcast to talk about Godzilla, kaiju, and giant monsters! We discuss the latest film, some of its recurring themes and issues, Gareth Edwards, and other monster movies. We also end up talking about Ultraman, the Destroy All Monsters Melee video game, the new merchandise, and why we think Godzilla 2000 has the silliest ending in the franchise.

Van Ching – “A little Godzilla in all of us”

Supplementary Notes:
Monsters – Trailer
Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee – Video Game
Godzilla 2000 Ending

Audio notes: (1hr. 3min. runtime)
04:05 – Thoughts on film, getting schooled on Godzilla lore, being a force of nature, and Fukushima
13:20 – Perspective, the cast, Monarch, Jurassic Park & Spielberg, building tension, and Godzilla’s new look
26:25 – Disaster porn, “Marvels”, the military, technology v. nature, and doors opening/closing
38:45 – Cloverfield, Pacific Rim, archetypal characters, Monsters, creature behaviours, and powerlessness
50:35 – Destroy All Monsters, War of the Monsters, kaiju video games, merchandise, and Godzilla 2000

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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The Black Keys, Turn Blue, & Rock Bands


This week we get the band back together to talk about The Black Keys and their latest album, Turn Blue! Tony and Brent discuss their discography, Danger Mouse, and make warranted (but also unwarranted) comparisons to other contemporary bands. We also start a new hashtag trend, connect the band to Linkin Park, and pick on Brent, who redefines the meaning of turning blue.

Tony Gao – “#fuckdangermouse”
Brent Peckham – “Completely listenable”

Audio notes: (55min. runtime)
04:25 – Album thoughts, “the Danger Mouse effect”, and EDM
15:10 – Favourite releases, album lengths, and how often we listen to the Black Keys
20:55 – Favourite songs, being a live act, Danger Mouse pt.2, and influences from older bands
29:45 – Arctic Monkeys, Tame Impala, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Damon Albarn, and Gorillaz
45:55 – The White Stripes, similar trajectories, returning to roots, and incorporating new sounds

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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Star Wars, Canon, Remakes, & Retcons


This week, Shawn Lotte and Spencer Sterritt return to tackle the recent news on the Star Wars Expanded Universe being non-canon and discuss continuity, remakes, and retcons! We also delve into Star Trek’s reboot films, the Evil Dead, X-Men, Shadow of the Colossus, and Better Call Saul. And somehow, they establish Mortal Kombat as the benchmark of storytelling.

Shawn Lotte – “And then I move on”
Spencer Sterritt – Editor-in-chief for We Eat Films

Supplementary notes:
Shadow of the Colossus: Connections to Ico
Dark Souls II Lore and Speculation
Zelda Timeline

Audio notes: (1hr. 1min. runtime)
01:35 – Star Wars, the Expanded Universe, and defining what is canon
08:35 – Star Trek, time travel, Enterprise, and returning to Star Wars
13:50 – Superman, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Predator, Living Dead, and Evil Dead series
28:00 – X-Men, shoehorning all the films, Sentinels, and Wolverine
34:10 – Mortal Kombat, branching storylines, Bioshock series, and canonizing Bioshock 2
46:30 – Shadow of the Colossus & Ico, Dark Souls series, and sorting out Legend of Zelda
54:40 – Remaking films to shows: Bates Motel, Hannibal, Fargo, From Dusk til Dawn, and Better Call Saul

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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The Web of The Amazing Spider-Man


Today, Shawn Lotte swings by to talk about your friendly neighborhood Spider-man! We discuss the latest film on the webhead, Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield, our spec scripts for the third film, and how it feels most like a comic-book movie. We also dive into the characters’ cartoons, games, and comics, like the recent run of Superior Spider-man. And somehow, we get into a tangent on Power Rangers and Animorphs. (Movie spoilers till 45min. mark)

Shawn Lotte – “Made by a committee”

Supplementary notes:
Collateral aka Electro’s Origin Story
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends

Audio notes: (1hr. 20min. runtime)
0:01:40 – Thoughts on film, Emma Stone, Harry Osborn, by-the-numbers filmmaking, and Spidey
0:16:30 – Villains, sound mixing, Max from Collateral 10 years later, and webswinging
0:31:35 – Music, comic-book movies, rehiring actors, Aunt May, and final thoughts
0:44:45 – Getting into Spider-man, videogames, and cartoons
0:56:35 – Ultimate Spider-man, Miles Morales, and reimagining film reboot
1:08:20 – Superior Spider-man, Doc Ock, Brand New Day, symbiotes, Power Rangers, and Animorphs

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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