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New Novel, Anime Talk, & Japanese Games


In the early days of the podcast we joked about writing a book, and finally Brent can explain why… because he and Tony did just that! Earl and Shawn talk to him about their new novel Coranox, its influences & history, and what they plan to do with it. They also get into anime, why they’ve moved on from the genre, and some of their favourites growing up. And along the way, Brent shows pain at every mention of anime now, Earl brags about actual design work, and Shawn reveals his childhood trauma of picking the wrong anime at the rental store.

Brent Peckham – Co-author of Coranox

What we’ve been checking out:
Brent: Danganronpa (Game)
Shawn: Gotham (TV)
Earl: LOST Rewatch (TV)

Audio notes: (1hr. 22min. runtime)
0:00:00 – Cold open, and bad singing
0:08:20 – Brent’s new book, artists, other books, why write a book?
0:18:25 – Brent’s interests, war fiction, JRPGs, Legend of Galactic Heroes, and anime talk
0:29:40 – Firefly & Joss Whedon, Edgar Wright, more anime talk, Kill la Kill, and weird culture issues
0:39:30 – Why Earl’s not into anime these days, remastered shows, and localizing anime
0:50:00 – Other anime we all got into in our childhood, Canadian shows, and Psycho Pass
1:01:25 – What’s everyone checking out, Phoenix Wright, and Shawn’s movie nightmare

Official site: http://akop.phillerworks.com
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Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0