Tag Archives: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

How I Met Your Mother & TV Show Finales


Kids, we’re going to tell you about the story of the How I Met Your Mother Finale! Earl and Andrew discuss the show’s long-awaited ending, coming at it from a non-fan and fan view respectively. They deal with the massive outrage and express their thoughts on the finale, how it stacks up against Friends, Definitely Maybe, and Eternal Sunshine, and whether the show worked as whole. They also end up talking about other TV show finales, compare it to Lost’s own divisive finale, and Earl comes up with the strangest parallel between two characters from both shows. (Spoilers on that finale, minor Lost spoilers, and lots of hinting at other TV show endings.)

Andrew Lawrence – “Patent pending”

Audio notes: (1hr. 2min. runtime)
0:01:00 – Finale backlash, Eternal Sunshine, and people’s lives being intertwined
0:11:25 – Soulmates, passion v. dedication, Definitely Maybe, unrequited love
0:20:10 – Tracy in retrospect, season 9 as a whole, and storytelling as catharsis
0:28:20 – Series as tragicomedy, finale as spectacle, Friends, How I Met Your Dad, and Noah Baumbach
0:38:00 – Comparing to LOST finale, expectations between show & audience, and other TV endings
0:50:00 – Finales for cancelled shows, ellipsis endings, and having post-mortem articles for cancelled shows

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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