Tag Archives: low winter sun

Sherlock / Elementary


This week, we’re talking about the Brit hit Sherlock, and its American counterpart, Elementary! Earl brings in Spencer Sterritt from We Eat Films to discuss the mystery shows, serialization in procedurals, and build a fantasy roster of Doctor Who writers. They also end up on a tangent about spoilers when Spencer explains that he hasn’t watched the latest season of Sherlock. What a twist! (Spoilers for all of Sherlock, and season one of Elementary.)

Spencer Sterritt – Editor-in-chief for We Eat Films

Audio notes: (46min. runtime)
0:00:35 – Impressions on Sherlock, spoilers & avoiding viewings, and main villains
0:08:30 – Adapting Sherlock’s “death”, sleuthing vs. hanging out, and building tension
0:13:15 – Season gaps, series longevity, book adaptation, Moffat’s writing, Doctor who writers, and burnout
0:24:00 – Impressions on Elementary, comparing with Sherlock, and Lucy Liu as Watson
0:33:50 – Creating a distinction between the series, procedurals, serialization, and mythology
0:36:00 – Modernizing Sherlock, and Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century
0:40:00 – Future of Sherlock, speculation, and expectation

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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