Tag Archives: microsoft

Growing Up Gaming


Our first guest on the new format, Curtis Roberts, joins Earl and Shawn to talk about growing up gaming! They get into their favourite RPGs, accidentally breaking consoles, blocky controllers, switching to PCs, and their thoughts on RPGs these days. They also discuss Final Fantasy, Curtis’ ignorance of Aeris’ death and gender, Mass Effect, the Sopranos finale, getting a Nintendo on the holidays, and c-notes.

Curtis Roberts

Supplementary notes:
Team Teamwork- The Ocarina of Rhyme (Jay-Z meets Legend of Zelda)
Youtube – Crash Course
Death From Above 1979 – Trainwreck 1979

Audio notes: (1hr. 9min. runtime)
00:10 – Introducing Curtis, gaming degrees, consoles & c-notes, and breaking a PS2
11:50 – Moving away from consoles, modding, XCOM, and Final Fantasy
26:35 – Favourite RPGs, Nintendo, JRPG vs. Western, and LAN parties
38:50 – Current RPGs, Mass Effect, The Sopranos ending, The Witcher, and game choices
55:10 – Anticipated games, and what we’re checking out

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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Follow us (@AKOPPodcast) or email us at akop@phillerworks.com!

E3 2014 & The State of Video Games


Tony Gao returns for another round of E3 discussion! We discuss our issues with the bombastic conferences, the latest game reveals, Nintendo turning the tide again, and the deluge of sequels and remakes being announced. We also get into Uncharted, getting a WiiU or a 3DS, no women allowed in AC: Unity, and Kojima’s self-indulgence. And somehow, Earl manages to turn The Last Guardian’s death into a fitting symbol for the lack of innovation in the industry.

Tony Gao – “Electronic Excrement Expo”

Audio notes: (1hr. 1min. runtime)
01:10 – The conferences, Sunset Overdrive, Aisha Tyler, and The Division
09:05 – Assassins Creed, Unity & no women characters, Watch Dogs, Mass Effect, LittleBigPlanet 3, and Metal Gear Solid
21:40 – Nintendo, “the plague of Call of Duty”, Splatoon, getting a WiiU or 3DS, Xenoblade, and The Last Guardian
34:00 – Bloodborne, Grim Fandango & remakes, Uncharted 4, and No Man’s Sky
48:35 – Sequels, indie ideas in AAA games, what Last Guardian means for the industry, and Nintendo’s creative niche

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes!
Follow us (@AKOPPodcast) or email us at akop@phillerworks.com!

E3 2013


All new games! All new consoles! All Kinds of Philler! It’s a special episode of the podcast focusing on E3 2013, as Earl brings in Tony and Zane to talk about the big announcements at the convention, and offer their take on all the craziness coming our way in the 12 months. Zane’s daughter also crashes in on the recording, leaving him a bit preoccupied with fatherly duties temporarily. It’s a whirlwind episode that deals with Xbone vs. PS4, persistent worlds, Ouya, and left one of them possibly shitting their pants.

“Xbox, Get Me a Beer” Tony

Audio notes: (1hr. 21min. runtime)
02:10 – Xbox One
15:00 – Playstation 4
25:50 – Nintendo
31:45 – Games games games
39:40 – Some Final Fantasy talk
44:50 – Games games games part 2
64:10 – Open, persistent world
66:50 – New stuff

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Follow us (@AKOPPodcast or @phillerworks) or email us at akop@phillerworks.com!