Tag Archives: peter weller

AKOP Sci-Fi Night


“Three Sci-Fi movies, one annoyed Shawn Lotte: Welcome to AKOP Sci-Fi Night!”

I think this is becoming a thing. Damn right this is becoming a thing and it’s blowing up, all over our faces. Earl is in charge of this month’s sinking ship as he handpicked, because toe picking is gross, three science fiction movies and subjected Shawn, Patrick and first-time guest Jess Davis to them.

If you’re wondering what the movies are, well hold on because Earl has chosen some interesting ones: First we got the indie time traveling movie Primer, then we got 80’s fueled The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension and finally we have surrealist drama The Fountain.

All three hold a special place in Earl’s heart but can they break their way into the group’s cold dead hearts… well mostly Shawn’s heart is dead. The only way to find out is to listen to this month’s installment of AKOP Night: SCI FI EDITION!!!!

*SPOILER WARNING: We spoil the hell out of these movies and as much as they are older Sci Fi movies we have to ask: If you haven’t seen either Primer, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai or The Fountain then have some fun this November, watch these movies, and then come back and listen to the show.

Let it begin…the show now!

Audio notes: (1hr. 25min. runtime)
0:02:00 – Primer, dryness, and being incomprehensible
0:27:10 – Buckaroo Banzai, the ’80s, and screenwriting 101
0:53:10 – The Fountain, being inaccessible,  fantasy, and surprise reactions
1:15:35 – Final thoughts, frames of reference, and cult classics

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Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0