Tag Archives: sony

Paranormal Destination & Buggy Video Games


We are almost done. This is it folks, the end is near. Of course I am talking about the end of the year and not the show. We wouldn’t do that to you, unlike some shows would…*sniffle*…Sons of Anarchy. Anyway, we are getting down to the wire and with this week’s episode we get into the recent trend of crossover movies, broken video games (because that’s a trend now) and the current state of JRPGs and Square Enix. We’ve only got two more episodes to close out the year and then it’s the end…of the year. So take a break and listen to our show about stuff…and sex, but not really.

Let it begin… the show now!

What we’ve been checking out:
Shawn: Sons of Anarchy Finale
Earl: White PS4 controller, Breaking Bad special edition

Audio notes: (1hr. 3min. runtime)
0:04:15 – Movie crossovers, 21 Jump Street X Men in Black, and Paranormal Destination
0:08:55 – Other crossovers, slasher movies, and horror in Christmas
0:15:45 – Defective games, AAA games, and hesitating to buy games
0:26:45 – FF7 trolling, Square-Enix, what’s a Lacie?, and RPG fundamentals
0:40:50 – What if companies produced others’ IPs?
1:00:25 – What are we checking out?

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Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0

E3 2014 & The State of Video Games


Tony Gao returns for another round of E3 discussion! We discuss our issues with the bombastic conferences, the latest game reveals, Nintendo turning the tide again, and the deluge of sequels and remakes being announced. We also get into Uncharted, getting a WiiU or a 3DS, no women allowed in AC: Unity, and Kojima’s self-indulgence. And somehow, Earl manages to turn The Last Guardian’s death into a fitting symbol for the lack of innovation in the industry.

Tony Gao – “Electronic Excrement Expo”

Audio notes: (1hr. 1min. runtime)
01:10 – The conferences, Sunset Overdrive, Aisha Tyler, and The Division
09:05 – Assassins Creed, Unity & no women characters, Watch Dogs, Mass Effect, LittleBigPlanet 3, and Metal Gear Solid
21:40 – Nintendo, “the plague of Call of Duty”, Splatoon, getting a WiiU or 3DS, Xenoblade, and The Last Guardian
34:00 – Bloodborne, Grim Fandango & remakes, Uncharted 4, and No Man’s Sky
48:35 – Sequels, indie ideas in AAA games, what Last Guardian means for the industry, and Nintendo’s creative niche

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
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Follow us (@AKOPPodcast) or email us at akop@phillerworks.com!

Captain America, Agents of SHIELD, & Shared Universes


On this week’s episode, we suit up to discuss Captain America, Agents of SHIELD, and shared film universes! Earl brings in Alex Bowman from We Eat Films to talk about The Winter Soldier and the TV series, how they’re connected, and their thoughts on the studios all building their multi-franchises. They also recommend some interesting webcomics on superheroes, analyze some of Joss Whedon’s recurring themes in TV, and somehow go off on a tangent about Ben Affleck. (Spoilers past the 16min. mark for the film and TV show.)

Alex Bowman – Reviewer for We Eat Films

Supplementary notes:
Steve Rogers’ American Captain – A Diary Comic
JL8 – Webcomic
Mystery Men – Trailer

Audio notes: (1hr. 16min. runtime)
0:01:45 – Thoughts on The Winter Soldier, Captain America’s character, and superhero webcomics
0:10:25 – Comparing Thor and Cap films, superhero spy thriller, fight choreography, and disaster porn
0:22:45 – Contemporary issues in film, and Marvel films working as standalone and serialized parts of a whole
0:32:55 – Thoughts on Agents of SHIELD, connecting TV with film, and expanding the Cinematic Universe
0:46:20 – SHIELD’s status, outcasts vs. the system, and not being beholden to the original material
0:54:15 – Comparing Marvel to DC films, grimdark Nolan Batman, and Ben Affleck
1:05:45 – Comparing Marvel properties, Amazing Spider-man, and X-Men: Days of Future Past

Theme: Coconut Robot2 (James Pants) / CC BY 3.0
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes!
Follow us (@AKOPPodcast) or email us at akop@phillerworks.com!

E3 2013


All new games! All new consoles! All Kinds of Philler! It’s a special episode of the podcast focusing on E3 2013, as Earl brings in Tony and Zane to talk about the big announcements at the convention, and offer their take on all the craziness coming our way in the 12 months. Zane’s daughter also crashes in on the recording, leaving him a bit preoccupied with fatherly duties temporarily. It’s a whirlwind episode that deals with Xbone vs. PS4, persistent worlds, Ouya, and left one of them possibly shitting their pants.

“Xbox, Get Me a Beer” Tony

Audio notes: (1hr. 21min. runtime)
02:10 – Xbox One
15:00 – Playstation 4
25:50 – Nintendo
31:45 – Games games games
39:40 – Some Final Fantasy talk
44:50 – Games games games part 2
64:10 – Open, persistent world
66:50 – New stuff

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Follow us (@AKOPPodcast or @phillerworks) or email us at akop@phillerworks.com!