Tag Archives: the wire

Breaking Bad


Everyone’s coming down from their collective high now that Breaking Bad is over, which is the right time to start deconstructing the show in one episode! While dealing with coughing fits, Earl blackmails Parker Mott to partner up with him and delve into the finale as well as the whole series. They discuss its structure, visual style, pacing, and whether or not it stayed true to its original mantra. And much like its protagonists, they get off-track by comparing it to Lost and The Wire, and do impressions of bros watching the show. Jump aboard the RV and have a listen! (Spoilers for the whole series.)

Parker Mott (@parkermott) – Writer & film critic for The Final TakeScene CreekNext Projection

Supplementary notes:
Family Guy on Breaking Bad’s success

Audio notes: (1hr. 11min. runtime)
01:05 – Intro to Breaking Bad (spoiler-free)
07:15 – Mr. Chips to Scarface (spoilers start here)
18:00 – Inevitability, heaven & hell, and being reminded of Lost
32:00 – Mechanical, structured nature of the series
39:50 – Sense of time, and switching between comedy & drama
48:45 – Cinematography, and visual style
54:10 – Glorification of crime & violence, and assessing good or bad taste
62:25 – Favourite moments and monologues

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